Generic Camagra Gel is a development of the Indian pharmaceutical brand, which is an improved version of Viagra. When this product appeared on the market, the world leader in sales was the tablet Viagra and its analogues.

Due to its practical form and incredible efficiency, the new generic has quickly gained popularity as a high-tech tool to restore erectile function and normalize sexual health of men.

Kamagra gel is made in the form of jelly, which has a very pleasant taste. One bag of the product contains 100 mg of active ingredient. The recommended dose is 50 mg per day, so one Camagra stick can be divided into two doses.
Advantages of the form of production

The properties of the gelatinous drug is no different from the tablet, but it has a more convenient and pleasant form of use. The gel does not resemble a drug and is the best option for men who for some reason do not want or can not use the tablet products.

This drug is unique in its kind, which has not only extremely useful, but also very pleasant qualities. Camagra is carried out in a fairly wide range of flavors, so that every man can choose the most pleasant fruit taste for themselves.

Like the tablet version of the legendary Viagra, gelatinous drug is based on the active ingredient sildenafil. The volume of active ingredient in the gel bag and tablet is identical and is 100 mg, but the shape of the jelly makes the use of more pleasant and accelerates the process of the effect.

The Camagra gel is absorbed directly in the mouth. When the substance enters the mouth, the components penetrate into the thin capillaries, starting to act after 10 minutes, in contrast to the tablet, the effect of which must wait an hour. Thus, the jelly has a higher suction rate than the tablet.